Always raving how we had the wrinkles of a snailcharmer and the slits and sniffers of a fellow that fell foul of the county de Loona and the meattrap of the first vegetarian. To be had for the asking. Have a hug! Take her out of … [Leer más...]
465.13-19 Shaun e Issy: hermanos y más que hermanos
Let us be holy and evil and let her be peace on the bough. Sure, she fell in line with our tripertight photos as the lyonised mails when we were stablelads together like the corks again brothers, hungry and angry, cavileer grace … [Leer más...]
465.06-13 sshh! Insinúa cosas picantes él!
Come on, spinister, do your stuff! Don't be shoy, husbandmanvir! Weih, what's on you, wip? Up the shamewaugh! She has plenty of woom in the smallclothes for the bothsforus, nephews push! Hatch yourself well! Enjombyourselves thurily! … [Leer más...]
465.01-06 ¿y cómo es ella, en que lugar se enamoró de ti?
You've surpassed yourself! Be introduced to yes! This is me aunt Julia Bride, your honour, dying to have you languish to scan- dal in her bosky old delltangle. You don't reckoneyes him? He's Jackot the Horner who boxed in his … [Leer más...]
464.29-36 Shaun: se pone dura pensando en ella
And did you meet with Peadhar the Grab at all? And did you call on Tower Geesyhus? Was Mona, my own love, no bigger than she should be, making up to you in her bestbehaved manor when you made your breastlaw and made her, tell me? And did … [Leer más...]