If you doubt of his love of darearing his feelings you'll very much hurt for mishmash mastufractured on europe you can read off the tail of his. Rip ripper rippest and jac jac jac. Dwell on that, my hero and lander! That's the side that … [Leer más...]
466.04-11 La cosa se pone al rojo (cual pato)
Quuck, the duck of a woman for quack, the drake of a man, her little live apples for Leas and love potients for Leos, the next beast king. Put me down for all ringside seats. I can feel you being corrupted. Recoil. I can see you … [Leer más...]
XXXII Encuentros. Alcalá. Programa
https://institutofranklin.net/sites/default/files/eventos/2023-04/32%20encuentros%20James%20Joyce%20James%20Joyce%20y%20los%20imaginarios%20norteamericanos%20-%20PROGRAMA.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1_RFrSrS7PJ3IJP-waJTr7pyirObSr8Zf0j0PPyJB3H26JKE_qXGYdKqQ … [Leer más...]
465.33-466.04 Vamos a echarnos uno
No martyr where the preature is there's no plagues like rome. It gives up the gripes. Watch the swansway. Take your tiger over it. The leady on the lake and the convict of the forest. Why, they might be Babau and Momie! Yipyip! To pan! … [Leer más...]
465.26-33 Puedes ser lo que quieras
There's no- thing like the mistletouch for finding a queen's earring false. Chink chink. As the curly bard said after kitchin the womn in his hym to the hum of her garments. You try a little tich to the tissle of his tail. The racist to … [Leer más...]