Somewhere I must get far away from Banba- shore, wherever I am. No saddle, no staffet, but spur on the moment! So I think I'll take freeboots' advise. Psk! I'll borrow a path to lend me wings, quickquack, and from Jehusalem's wall, … [Leer más...]
469.02-06 (Va a meterse en ese mundo)
Daughters of the heavens, be lucks in turnabouts to the wandering sons of red loam! The earth's atrot! The sun's a scream! The air's a jig. The water's great! Seven oldy oldy hills and the one blue beamer. I'm going. I know I … [Leer más...]
468.32-469.02 Piensa en ella, en ellos, en ellos
I'm as bored now bawling beersgrace at sorepaws there as Andrew Clays was sharing sawdust with Daniel's old collie. This shack's not big enough for me now. I'm dreaming of ye, azores. And, re- member this, a chorines, there's the … [Leer más...]
468.27-31Se dispone a partir, como rey, como ave
Gulp a bulper at parting and the moore the melodest! Farewell but whenever, as Tisdall told Toole. Tempos fidgets. Let flee me fiacckles, says the grand old mano- ark, stormcrested crowcock and undulant hair, hoodies tway! Yes, … [Leer más...]