431.09-20 his fond sister Izzy

for Jaun, bythe way, was by the way of becoming (I think, I hope he was)the most purely human being that ever was called man, loving allup and down the whole creation from Sampson’s tyke to Jones’ssprat and from the King of all Wrenns down to infuseries) Jaun,after those few prelimbs made out through his eroscope theapparition of his fond sister Izzy for he knowed his love by herwaves of splabashing and she showed him proof by her way ofblabushing nor could he forget her so tarnelly easy as all thatsince he was brotherbesides her benedict godfather and heavenknows he thought the world and his life of her sweet heart couldbuy, (brao!) poor, good, true, Jaun!



Y va a llegar el encuentro con su hermana Issy!

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