and all of them truetotypes in missam-
men massness were just starting to spladher splodher with the
jolly magorios, hicky hecky hock, huges huges huges, hughy
hughy hughy, O Jaun, so jokable and so geepy, O, (Thou pure!
Our virgin! Thou holy! Our health! Thou strong! Our victory!
O salutary! Sustain our firm solitude, thou who thou well
strokest! Hear, Hairy ones! We have sued thee but late.
Y todos los fieles en la misa de masas estaban empezando a salpicarse salerosos con el santo rosal, hic haec hoc, grande grande grande, grandi grandi grandi, Oh! Jaun, tan chistoso y g.p. Oh! Tú eres pura! tú eres virgen! tú eres santa! Por nosotros! Victoria! Sanadora! Auxila nuestra firme soledad, tú que bien golpeas! Hescuchad, Espeinados! Te seguimos, pero tarde.
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