482. 19-25 (habla claro( y le dice a Matthew que anda perdido



— If I do know sinted sageness? Sometimes he would keep

silent for a few minutes as if in prayer and clasp his forehead and

during the time he would be thinking to himself and he would

not mind anybody who would be talking to him or crying

stinking fish. But I no way need you, stroke oar nor your quick

handles. Your too farfar a cock of the north there, Matty Armagh,

and your due south so.


–¿Si conozco al santo y saga? A veces se quedaba quieto unos minutos como rezando y se sostenía la frente mientras pensaba y no le importba si alguien le hablaba o lloraba pestes. Pero no te necesito, ni a ti ni que remes por mi ni me eches un cable. Estás muy al norte, Matty Armagh, y debes tirar al sur.

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