Wethen, now, may the good people speed you, rural Haun, export stout fellow that you are, the crooner born with sweet wail of evoker, healing music, ay, and heart in hand of Sham- rogueshire! The googoos of the suckabolly in the rockabeddy … [Leer más...]
471.23-34 Shaun habla en la mas elocuente tradición del culo parlante
with a posse of tossing hankerwaves to his windward like seraph's summonses on the air and a tempest of good things in packetshape teeming from all accounts into the funnel of his fanmail shrimpnet, along the highroad of the nation, … [Leer más...]
471.14-23 La (difícil) postura de Shaun es porque se va a tirar, sí, un cuesco.
and Jawjon Redhead, bucketing after, meccamaniac, (the headless shall have legs!), kingscouriered round with an easy rush and ready relays by the bridge a stadion beyond Ladycastle (and what herm but he narrowly missed fouling her buttress … [Leer más...]
471.05-14 La (difícil) postura de Shaun que intenta despedirse de sus hermanas con una bendición:
but in self- righting the balance of his corporeity to reexchange widerem- brace with the pillarbosom of the Dizzier he loved prettier, be- tween estellos and venoussas, bad luck to the lie but when next to nobody expected, their star and … [Leer más...]
470.34-471.05 Las 29 chicas lo aclaman (o son 28?)
It was then he made as if be but waved instead a handacross the sea as notice to quit while the pacifettes made their armpacts widdershins (Frida! Freda! Paza! Paisy! Irine! Areinette! Bridomay! Bentamai! Soso- sopky! Bebebekka! … [Leer más...]