I bless alls to the whished with this panromain apological which Watllwewhistlem sang to the kerrycoys. Break ranks! After wage-of-battle bother I am thinking most. Fik yew! I'm through. Won. Toe. Adry. You watch my … [Leer más...]
469.17-24 (Shaun se dispone a salir volando) (En realidad va a salir volando de este mundo)
Hazelridge has seen me. Jerne valing is. Squall aboard for Kew, hop! Farewell awhile to her and thee! The brine's my bride to be. Lead on, Macadam, and danked be he who first sights Halt Linduff! Solo, solone, solong! Lood Erynnana, … [Leer más...]
469.11-17 (Shaun se va de viaje, por tierra, por mar, y echando de menos a su mamá) (En relidad va a volver a la vida saliendo del cuerpo de su padre)
It's Winland for moyne, bickbuck! Jee- jakers! I hurt meself nettly that time! Come, my good frog- marchers! We felt the fall but we'll front the defile. Was not my olty mutther, Sereth Maritza, a Runningwater? And the … [Leer más...]
469.06-11 (Va a meterse en ese mundo: Hay que alejarse de este)
Somewhere I must get far away from Banba- shore, wherever I am. No saddle, no staffet, but spur on the moment! So I think I'll take freeboots' advise. Psk! I'll borrow a path to lend me wings, quickquack, and from Jehusalem's wall, … [Leer más...]
469.02-06 (Va a meterse en ese mundo)
Daughters of the heavens, be lucks in turnabouts to the wandering sons of red loam! The earth's atrot! The sun's a scream! The air's a jig. The water's great! Seven oldy oldy hills and the one blue beamer. I'm going. I know I … [Leer más...]