And, what with one man's fish and a dozen men's poissons, sowing my wild plums to reap ripe plentihorns mead, lashings of erbole and hydromel and bragget, I'd come out with my magic fluke in close time, fair, free and frolicky, … [Leer más...]
450.35-451.05 de río a peces, de peces a pájaros, de pájaros a plantas, de plantas a gastos
And what sensitive coin I'd be possessed of at Latouche's, begor, I'd sink it sumtotal, every dolly farting, in vestments of subdominal poteen at prime cost and I bait you my chancey oldcoat against the whole ounce you half on your … [Leer más...]
450.31-35 Cuidado con el veneno.
Dash the gaudy death- cup! Bryony O'Bryony, thy name is Belladama! But enough of greenwood's gossip. Birdsnests is birdsnests. Thine to wait but mine to wage. And now play sharp to me. Doublefirst I'll head foremost through all my … [Leer más...]
450.25-31, a cantar, hasta el culo parlante canta, pero cuidado con el veneno
And bemolly and jiesis! For I sport a whatyoumacormack in the latcher part of my throughers. And the lark that I let fly (olala!) is as cockful of funantics as it's tune to my fork. Naturale you might lower register me as … [Leer más...]
450.20-24 de pescar a oir pajarillos, y de ahí a cantar
I give, a king, to me, she does, alone, up there, yes see, I double give, till the spinney all eclosed asong with them. Isn't that lovely though? I give to me alone I trouble give! I may have no mind to lamagnage the forte bits like the … [Leer más...]