Oil for meed and toil for feed and a walk with the band for Job Loos. If I hope not charity what profiteers me? Nothing! My tippers of flags are knobs of hard- shape for it isagrim tale, keeping the father of curls from the sport of oak. … [Leer más...]
448.16-21 Y ¿adónde llegaremos?Y ¿adónde llegaremos?
I am all of me for freedom of speed but who'll disasperaguss Pope's Avegnue or who'll uproose the Opian Way? Who'll brighton Brayhowth and bait the Bull Bailey and never despair of Lorcansby? The rampant royal commissioners! 'Tis an ill … [Leer más...]
448.09-16 cuándo la veremos? (a ella)
See Capels and then fly. Show me that complaint book here. Where's Cowtends Kateclean, the woman with the muckrake? When will the W.D. face of our sow muckloved d'lin, the Troia of towns and Carmen of cities, crawling with mendiants in … [Leer más...]
447.35-448.09 Y un Consejo.
I advise you strongly, along quaith a copy of the Seeds and Weeds Act when you have procured one for your- self and take a good longing gaze into any nearby shopswindow you may select at suppose, let us say, the hoyth of number eleven, … [Leer más...]
447.27-35 España (se veía venir con el vino fino)lo lleva a pensar en Issy
Where is the greenest island off the black coats of Spaign? Overset into universal: I am perdrix and upon my pet ridge. Oralmus! Way, O way for the autointaxication of our town of the Fords in a huddle! Hailfellow some … [Leer más...]