The misery billyboots I used to lend him before we split and, be the hole in the year, they were laking like heaven's reflexes. But I told him make your will be done and go to a general and I'd pray confessions … [Leer más...]
466.28-467.01 Así cantan los artistas irlandeses
Bitrial bay holmgang or betrayal buy jury. Attaboy! Fee gate has Heenan hoity, mind uncle Hare? What, sir? Poss, myster? Acheve! Thou, thou! What say ye? Taurus periculosus, morbus pedeiculosus. Miserere mei in … [Leer más...]
466.22-28 la cosa se pone musical
Grunt unto us, I pray, your fore- boden article in our own deas dockandoilish introducing the death of Nelson with coloraturas! Coraio, fra! And I'll string second to harmanize. My loaf and pottage neaheaheahear … [Leer más...]
466.17-22 y si te tocas algo al arpa?
Could you wheedle a staveling encore out of your imitationer's jubalharp, hey, Mr Jinglejoys? Congrega- tional singing. Rota rota ran the pagoda con dio in capo ed il dia- volo in coda. Many a diva devoucha saw her Dauber Dan at … [Leer más...]
466.11-17 Si no estás seguro, ve a más
If you doubt of his love of darearing his feelings you'll very much hurt for mishmash mastufractured on europe you can read off the tail of his. Rip ripper rippest and jac jac jac. Dwell on that, my hero and lander! That's the side that … [Leer más...]