— I have your tristich now; it recurs in three times the same differently (there is such a fui fui story which obtains of him): comming nown from the asphalt to the concrete, from the human historic brute, Finnsen … [Leer más...]
481.07-09 (atención!): parece que despierta Shaun y dice:
— Dream. Ona nonday I sleep. I dreamt of a somday. Of a wonday I shall wake. Ah! May he have now of here fearfilled me! Sinflowed, O sinflowed! Fia! Fia! Befurcht christ! Sueño. Un nodía duermo. Duermo. Sueño nundía. Un deslunes … [Leer más...]
481.01-06: son las siglas de HCE, será él el que despierta?
— Hail him heathen, heal him holystone! Courser, Recourser, Changechild ..............? Eld es endall, earth .....................? — A cataleptic mithyphallic! Was this Totem Fulcrum Est Ancestor yu hald in Dies … [Leer más...]
480.29-36 No entienden lo que dice: algo de un lobo romano? De leche de loba?
— I am dob dob dobbling like old Booth's, courteous. The cubs are after me, it zeebs, the whole totem pack, vuk vuk and vuk vuk to them, for Robinson's shield. — Scents and gouspils! The animal jangs again! Find the fingall … [Leer más...]
480.22-29 ¿tiró del cordón umbilical que lo unía al padre?
— Hey! Did you dream you were ating your own tripe, acushla, that you tied yourself up that wrynecky fix? — I see now. We move in the beast circuls. Grimbarb and pancercrucer! You took the words out of my mouth. A child's dread … [Leer más...]