That's his little veiniality. And his unpeppeppedi- ment. He has novel ideas I know and he's a jarry queer fish be- times, I grant you, and cantanberous, the poisoner of his word, but lice and all and semicoloured stainedglasses, … [Leer más...]
463.05-11 a que llora!
Bearer may leave the church, signed, Figura Porca, Lictor Magnaffica. He's the sneaking likeness of us, faith, me altar's ego in miniature and every Auxonian aimer's ace as nasal a Romeo as I am, for ever cracking quips on himself, … [Leer más...]
463.01-05 y sigue con Shem
blushing like Pat's pig, begob! He's not too timtom well ashamed to carry out onaglibtograbakelly in his showman's sinister the testymonicals he gave his twenty annis orf, showing the three white feathers, as a home cured emigrant … [Leer más...]
462.25-36 y vaya lo que huele
Lumtum lumtum! Now! The froubadour! I fremble! Talk of wolf in a stomach by all that's verminous! Eccolo me! The return of th'athlate! Who can secede to his success! Isn't Jaunstown, Ousterrike, the small place after all? I knew I smelt … [Leer más...]
462.20-25 El hermano Shem y su sombrilla
462.20-25 He's the mightiest penumbrella I ever flourished on behond the shadow of a post! Be sure and link him, me O treasauro, as often as you learn provided there's nothing between you but a plain deal table only don't … [Leer más...]