Well, to the figends of Annanmeses with the wholeabuelish business! For I declare to Jeshuam I'm beginning to get sunsick! I'm not half Norawain for nothing. The fine ice so temperate of our, alas, those times are not so far off as … [Leer más...]
452.28-33 Anuncia lo que va a hacer el padre
Before there was patch at all on Ireland there lived a lord at Lucan. We only wish everyone was as sure of anything in this watery world as we are of everything in the newlywet fellow that's bound to follow. I'll lay you a guinea for a … [Leer más...]
452.21-28 La carta a Sisi le habla del padre enterrado y cómo lo va a ver renacer
The Vico road goes round and round to meet where terms begin. Still onappealed to by the cycles and unappalled by the recoursers we feel all serene, never you fret, as regards our dutyful cask. Full of my breadth from pride I am … [Leer más...]
452.13-21 La carta a Sisi le habla del padre enterrado
'tis tramsported with grief I am this night sublime, as you may see by my size and my brow that's all forehead, to go forth, frank and hoppy, to the tune the old plow tied off, from our nostorey house, upon this benedictine … [Leer más...]
452.06-13 Una carta a Sisi
I'm not talking apple sauce eithou. Or up in my hat. I earnst. Schue! Sissibis dearest, as I was reading to myself not very long ago in Tennis Flonnels Mac Courther, his correspondance, besated upon my tripos, and just thinking like … [Leer más...]