
 Don't on any account acquirea paunchon for that alltoocommon fagbutt habit of frequentingand chumming together with the braces of couples in Mr Tun-nelly's hallways (smash it) wriggling with lowcusses and cock-chafers and vamps and rodants, with the … [Leer más...]


And the hailies fingringmaries. Tobaccos tabu and toboggan's a backseat. Secret satieties and onanymous letters make the great un-watched as bad as their betters.   Y las santas marías. El tabaco es tabú, y el tobogán un asiento. La … [Leer más...]


Keep airly hores and the wormis yores. Dress the pussy for her nighty and follow her piggy-tails up their way to Winkyland. See little poupeep she's firshtashleep. After having sat your poetries and you know whathappens when chine throws over jupan. … [Leer más...]


Up leather, Prunella, convert your try! Stick wicks in your ear-shells when you hear the prompter's voice. Look on a boa inhis beauty and you'll never more wear your strawberry leaves.Rely on the relic. What bondman ever you bind on earth I'll … [Leer más...]


 The back beautiful, the un-draped divine! And Suzy's Moedl's with their Blue Danuboyes!All blah! Viper's vapid vilest! Put off the old man at the veryfont and get right on with the nutty sparker round the back.Slip your oval out of touch and let … [Leer más...]