Leg-before-Wicked lags-behind-Wall where here Mr Whicker whacked a great fall. Femora-familla feeled it a candleliked but Hayes, Conyngham and Erobin-son sware it's an egg. Forglim mick aye! Stay, forestand andtillgive it! Remember … [Leer más...]
Recollect the yella perals that all too often besetgreen gerils, Rhidarhoda and Daradora, once they gethobby-horsical, playing breeches parts for Bessy Sudlow in flesh-coloured pantos instead of earthing down in the coalhole tryingto boil the big … [Leer más...]
Especially beware 434 UP please of being at a party to any demoralizing home life. Thatsaps a chap. Keep cool faith in the firm, have warm hoep in thehouse and begin frem athome to be chary of charity. Where itis nobler in … [Leer más...]
O foolish cuppled! Ah, dice's error! Never dipin the ern while you've browsers on your suite. Never slip thesilver key through your gate of golden age. Collide with man,collude with money. Ere you sail foreget my prize. Where … [Leer más...]
Hip confiners helpcompunction. Never park your brief stays in the men's con-venience. Never clean your buttoncups with your dirty pair ofsassers. Never ask his first person where's your quickest cut toour last place. Never let the promising … [Leer más...]