now you, Jaun, asking kindlily (hillo,missies!) after their howareyous at all with those of their dolly-begs (and where's Agatha's lamb? and how are Bernadetta'scolumbillas? and Juliennaw's tubberbunnies? and Eulalina's 431 UP tuggerfunnies?) … [Leer más...]
430.25-33 smilingly smelling
Finfria's fairest, done in loveletters like a trayfulof cloudberry tartlets (ain't they fine, mighty, mighty fine andhonoured?) and smilingly smelling, pair and pair about, broadby bread and slender to slimmer, the nice perfumios that … [Leer más...]
430.17-24 mussing his frizzy hair
Jaun (after he had in the first place doffed a hat with a rein-forced crown and bowed to all the others in that chorus of praiseof goodwill girls on their best beehiviour who all they were girlsall rushing sowarmly for the post … [Leer más...]
430.08-16 with their eight and fifty pedalettes
while they paddled away, keeping timemagnetically with their eight and fifty pedalettes, playing foolu-fool jouay allo misto posto, O so jaonickally, all barely in theirtyptap teens, describing a charming dactylogram of nocturnesthough repelled by … [Leer más...]
430.01-08 twentynine hedge daughters
Now, there were as many as twentynine hedge daughters outof Benent Saint Berched's national nightschool (for they seemedto remember how it was still a once-upon-a-four year) learningtheir antemeridian lesson of life, under its tree, against its … [Leer más...]