Phizis me mother and Hair's me father. Bauv Betty Famm and PigPig Pike. Their livetree (may it flourish!) by their ecotaph (let itstayne!). With balsinbal bimbies swarming tiltop. Comme bien,Comme bien! Feefeel! Feefeel! And … [Leer más...]
FW.420.05-09 treefellers in the shrubrubs.
When sheslipped under her couchman. And where he made a cat with apeep. How they wore two madges on the makewater. And whythere were treefellers in the shrubrubs. Then he hawks his hand-mud figgers from Francie to Fritzie down in … [Leer más...]
FW 420.01-015 bagses of trash
Flummery is what I would call it if you were to ask me to put iton a single dimension what pronounced opinion I might possiblyorally have about them bagses of trash which the mother andMr Unmentionable (O breed not his same!) has reduced to writ-ing … [Leer más...]
FW 419.33-36 offal tosh! (awful trash)
Overdrawn! Puffedly offal tosh! Be-sides its auctionable, all about crime and libel! Nothing beyondclerical horrors et omnibus to be entered for the foreign as second-class matter. The fuellest filth ever fired … [Leer más...]
FW 420.05-10
When sheslipped under her couchman. And where he made a cat with apeep. How they wore two madges on the makewater. And whythere were treefellers in the shrubrubs. Then he hawks his hand-mud figgers from Francie to Fritzie down in the kookin. Phizis … [Leer más...]