Finfria's fairest, done in loveletters like a trayfulof cloudberry tartlets (ain't they fine, mighty, mighty fine andhonoured?) and smilingly smelling, pair and pair about, broadby bread and slender to slimmer, the nice perfumios that … [Leer más...]
430.17-24 mussing his frizzy hair
Jaun (after he had in the first place doffed a hat with a rein-forced crown and bowed to all the others in that chorus of praiseof goodwill girls on their best beehiviour who all they were girlsall rushing sowarmly for the post … [Leer más...]
430.08-16 with their eight and fifty pedalettes
while they paddled away, keeping timemagnetically with their eight and fifty pedalettes, playing foolu-fool jouay allo misto posto, O so jaonickally, all barely in theirtyptap teens, describing a charming dactylogram of nocturnesthough repelled by … [Leer más...]
430.01-08 twentynine hedge daughters
Now, there were as many as twentynine hedge daughters outof Benent Saint Berched's national nightschool (for they seemedto remember how it was still a once-upon-a-four year) learningtheir antemeridian lesson of life, under its tree, against its … [Leer más...]
429.08-26 his foot was still asleep
He was there, you couldplanemetrically see, when I took a closer look at him, that was tosay, (gracious helpings, at this rate of growing our cotted child ofyestereve will soon fill space and burst in systems, so speeds theinstant!) amply altered for … [Leer más...]