Jaunty Jaun, as I was shortly before that made aware, nexthalted to fetch a breath, the first cothurminous leg of his night-stride being pulled through, and to loosen (let God's son now belooking down on the poor preambler!) both of … [Leer más...]
428.20-27 the daisies trip lightly over your battercops.
youwill shiff across the Moylendsea and round up in your ownescapology some canonisator's day or other, sack on back, alack!digging snow, (not so?) like the good man you are, with yourpicture pockets turned knockside out in the rake of the rain … [Leer más...]
428.09-20 Turn your coat, strong character
Turn your coat, strong character, and tarry amongus down the vale, yougander, only once more! And may the mosseof prosperousness gather you rolling home! May foggy dews be-diamondise your hooprings! May … [Leer más...]
428.01-09 how the deepings did it all begin
Palmwine breadfruit sweetmeat milksoup! Suasusupo! However!Our people here in Samoanesia will not be after forgetting youand the elders luking and marking the jornies, chalkin up drizzlein drizzle out on the four bare mats. How you would be … [Leer más...]
427.29-36 we miss your smile.
Countenancewhose disparition afflictedly fond Fuinn feels. Winner of thegamings, primed at the studience, propredicted from the story-bouts, the choice of ages wise! Spickspookspokesman of ourspecturesque silentiousness! Musha, beminded of us out … [Leer más...]