FW 421 15-20 such hesitancy

  — Kind Shaun, we all requested, much as we hate to say it,but since you rose to the use of money have you not, withoutsuggesting for an instant, millions of moods used up slanguagetun times as words as the penmarks used out in sinscript with suchhesitancy by your cerebrated brother — excuse me not men-tioningahem?



Pregunta nº 10: ¿es que tú, Shaun, no has usado alguna vez una lengua sucia como esta? ¿es que no has cometido un error ortográfico como el “hecitency” de Pigott. La Wikipedia ayuda:

“Pigott produced fake letters, which purported that Parnell had supported one of the Phoenix Park murders….They included misspellings (specifically ‘hesitency [sic]‘) which Pigott had written elsewhere.”

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