Lowly, longly, a wail went forth. Pure Yawn lay low. On the mead of the hillock lay, heartsoul dormant mid shadowed land- shape, brief wallet to his side, and arm loose, by his staff of citron briar, tradition stick-pass-on. … [Continuar leyendo]
Un Siglo de James Joyce: Ensamblajes Modernistas Ayer y Hoy” / “A Century of James Joyce: Past and Present Modernist Assemblages” 33º Jornadas James Joyce 9-10 de mayo de 2024 Universidad de Málaga
Un Siglo de James Joyce: Ensamblajes Modernistas Ayer y Hoy” / “A Century of James Joyce: Past and Present Modernist Assemblages” 33º Jornadas James Joyce 9-10 de mayo de 2024 Universidad de Málaga PLAZO: 10 de abril de … [Continuar leyendo]
473.10-23 Caminando volverá a surgir como el ave Fénix (qué bonito es el final). Aquí termina III.ii
But, boy, you did your strong nine furlong mile in slick and slapstick record time and a farfetched deed it was in troth, cham- pion docile, with your high bouncing gait of going and your feat of passage will be contested with you and … [Continuar leyendo]
473.05-10 La vida sin él (qué bonito es el final)
Life, it is true, will be a blank without you because avicuum's not there at all, to nomore cares from nomad knows, ere Molochy wars bring the devil era, a slip of the time between a date and a ghostmark, rived by darby's chilldays … [Continuar leyendo]
472.27-473.05 Así será nuestra partida también (qué bonito es el final)
Numerous are those who, nay, there are a dozen of folks still unclaimed by the death angel in this country of ours today, humble indivisibles in this grand continuum, overlorded by fate and interlarded with accidence, who, … [Continuar leyendo]