Tis well you'll be looked after from last to first as yon beam of light we follow receding on your photophoric pilgrimage to your anti- podes in the past, you who so often consigned your distributory tidings of great joy into our … [Continuar leyendo]
472.10-15 Decid adiós a Haun
Good by nature and natural by design, had you but been spared to us, Hauneen lad, but sure where's the use my talking quicker when I know you'll hear me all astray? My long farewell I send to you, fair dream of sport and game … [Continuar leyendo]
472.04-10 Shaun tiene facultades para hacer lo que hace
May your bawny hair grow rarer and fairer, our own only wideheaded boy! Rest your voice! Feed your mind! Mint your peas! Coax your qyous! Come to disdoon blarmey and walk our groves so charming and see again the sweet rockelose where … [Continuar leyendo]
471.34-472.04 Shaun navega en un barril, en su viaje a través de la noche, vuelve a ser bebé e incluso se convierte en predicador
Wethen, now, may the good people speed you, rural Haun, export stout fellow that you are, the crooner born with sweet wail of evoker, healing music, ay, and heart in hand of Sham- rogueshire! The googoos of the suckabolly in the rockabeddy … [Continuar leyendo]
471.23-34 Shaun habla en la mas elocuente tradición del culo parlante
with a posse of tossing hankerwaves to his windward like seraph's summonses on the air and a tempest of good things in packetshape teeming from all accounts into the funnel of his fanmail shrimpnet, along the highroad of the nation, … [Continuar leyendo]