Whoevery heard of such a think? Till the ulmost of all elmoes shall stele our harts asthone! And Mrs A'Mara makes it up and befriends with Mrs O'Morum! I will write down all your names in my gold pen and … [Continuar leyendo]
460.10-16 Shaun lo intenta, pero es hablar del hermano y de la hermana y se cabrea. Se calienta más y más
Sweet pig, he'll be furious! How he stalks to simself louther and lover, immutating aperybally. My prince of the courts who'll beat me to love! And I'll be there when who knows where with the objects of which I'll … [Continuar leyendo]
460.04-10 Shaun lo intenta, pero es hablar del hermano y de la hermana y se cabrea.
So don't keep me now for a good boy for the love of my fragrant saint, you villain, peppering with fear, my goodless graceless, or I'll first murder you but, hvisper, meet me after by next appointment near you know … [Continuar leyendo]
459.36-460.04 (Así sucumbió Shem a los encantos de Shaun), aunque, como siempre, es mencionar el nombre de su hermano y cabrearse.
(O the wicked untruth! whot a tell! that he has bought me in his wellingtons what you haven't got!), in one of those pure clean lupstucks of yours thankfully, Arrah of the passkeys, no matter what. You may be certain of … [Continuar leyendo]
459.27-36 Así sucumbió Shem a los encantos de Shaun
He fell for my lips, for my lisp, for my lewd speaker. I felt for his strength, his manhood, his do you mind? There can be no candle to hold to it, can there? And, of course, dear professor, I understand. You can trust me that though I … [Continuar leyendo]