[La pelea] has broken at the coward sight tillwell on into the beausome of the exhaling night, pinching stop-andgo jewels out of the hedges and catching dimtop brilliantson the tip of my wagger but for that owledclock (fast cease to it!)has … [Continuar leyendo]
449.12-21 zorros y pájaros
That's more in my line. I'd ask no kinder of fates than to stay where I am, with my tinny of brownie's tea, under the invocation of Saint Jamas Hanway, servant of Gamp, lapidated, and Jacobus a Pershawm, intercissous, for my thuri- fex, … [Continuar leyendo]
449. 05-12 No tengo prisa, pero te alcanzaría
If time enough lost the ducks walking easy found them. I'll nose a blue fonx with any tristys blinking upon this earthlight of all them that pass by the way of the deerdrive, conconey's run or wilfrid's walk, but I'd turn back as lief as … [Continuar leyendo]
448.34-449. 05 Querida Hermana: no tengo violenta la prisa
Sis dearest, Jaun added, with voise somewhit murky, what though still high fa luting, as he turned his dorse to her to pay court to it, and ouverleaved his booseys to give the note and score, phonoscopically incuriosited and … [Continuar leyendo]
448. 25-33 Cuando me pille unos zapatos , verás
One of those days I am advised by the smiling voteseeker who's now snoring elued to positively strike off hiking for good and all as I bldy well bdly ought until such temse as some mood is made under privy-sealed orders to get me an … [Continuar leyendo]