Jueves-Osteguna-Thursday 5
9:00 Acreditación / Registration
9:30 Inauguración oficial / Opening ceremony
10:00-11:00 Ponencia plenaria / Plenary lecture Francisco García Tortosa (University of Seville)El Retrato del Artista Adolescente
11:00-11:30 Pause / café
11:30-13:30 Comunicaciones / presentations
The Terrible Mother Archetype in James Joyce’s
“The Boarding House” and Charles Maturin’s “Melmoth the Wanderer”
Charlie George (UPV-EHU)
The Father without a Son be not a Father, can the Son who has not a Father be a Son?: The Quest of Paternityin “Ulysses” and “Harry Potter”
Nerea Unda (UPV-EHU)
Ghosts of the Past: the Female Figure in James Joyce and J.S. Lefanu
Richard Jorge (University of Santiago)
Margarita Estévez-Saá (University of Santiago)
Jose Manuel Estévez Saá (University of A Coruña)13:30-15:30 Comida / Lunch break
15:30-16:30 Ponencia plenaria / Plenary lecture Fritz Senn (Zürich James Joyce Foundation)The Joyce of Side Effects
16:30-16:45 Pausa / break
16:45-18:00 Comunicaciones / presentations“Jigging Ajog” in the Wake
Ricardo Navarrete Franco (University of Seville)
Grace and Evil in Finnegans Wake’s The Gracehopperand the Ondt
Macarena Martín Martínez (University of Seville)
Alliterative Patterns in Joyce’s Prose:
A Corpus-Based Study of Plosive BilabialsGustavo A. Rodríguez Martín (University of Extremadura)
18:00-18:15 Pausa / break
18:15-18:45 Comunicaciones / presentations
Aprendiendo Supersticiones y Creencias Irlandesas
A través de Ulysses
Guillermina Heredia Campos (University of Seville)
19:30 Recepción en el Ayuntamiento de Bilbao/Reception at the Bilbao Town Hall
Viernes-Ostirala-Friday 6
09:30-10:30 Ponencia plenaria / Plenary lectureNarratzaile hasi zen poeta/ The poet who became a novelist/ El poeta que se metió a novelista
Luis Garde. (
10:30-10:40 Pausa / break
10:40-11:50 Comunicaciones / presentations
James Joyce and Kate O ́Brien: The Bilbao Connection
Aintzane Legarreta Mentxaka (Irish Museum of Modern Art)
Joyce, Márquez, Atxaga and “the invisible forces that move the world”
Olga Fdez. Vicente (University Isabel I)
“When you look back on it all now in a kind of retrospective arrangement.” “Masterly rendition.”Some challenges facing the reader of Ulysses.Éamon Roche (CARA)
11:50-12:15 Pause / café
12:15-13:15 Ponencia plenaria / Plenary lecture Anne Fogarty (University College Dublin)
After Modernism? Joycean Traces in Contemporary Irish Fiction
13:15- 15:15 Comida / Lunch break
15:15-16:05 Comunicaciones / presentations
Una Incursión Posible (via ECO)al Pluriverso de JoyceJuan Díaz Victoria
Eco Post-Colonial Heirs of Joyce in the 21st century: a Turn into Materialism
Juan Ignacio Oliva (University of La Laguna)
16:05-16:15 Pausa / break
16:15-17:05 Comunicaciones / presentations
The Case of Ulysses in UK and the USA
Carmelo Medina (University of Jaén)
Joyce y su Obra en la Prensa Irlandesa
Antonio Raúl de Toro Santos (AMERGIN)17:10-17:40 Asamblea / Assembly
18:00-20:00 Visita guiada al Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao/ Guided Tour to the Exhibitions: Bilbao Fine Arts Museum
Clausura de los Encuentros / Closing ceremony
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